Patron's Wall

Even Pennies Help...

What sort of recognition do I get for donations?
You will be honored as an added member of our Patron Wall and your name will appear in the "Special Thanks to:" section of the credits at the end of every episode produced! We like to show our full appreciation to everyone who helps us out no matter how big or how small of a boost you give us. That boost just brings us one step further to completing our projects!

What do donations pay for?

All donations go to equipment for recording and editing gameplay footage. Donations also provide materials such as tapes, batteries and other filming essentials.

Donate your games and more to The RGZ!

Have an old video game, console or accessory you want to get rid of? You can donate it to The RGZ!
The game or accessory you send will be reviewed providing I own the console/game required to use it. 
You will receive credit at the end of the episode for your contribution.
Reviews of your donation(s) can be a game review, special series, and episode of "RPR" or "Top Secrets".
Contact me at
[email protected] to send me your donation!

I will give the address to send donations to and will arrange for shipping if your donation is large. Donations eligible for shipping charges to be covered by The RGZ are boxed assortments (Ex. Collection of NES games), heavy or oblong donations (Apple II computer, SNES Super Scope) or any home console that has some weight to it. You pay the shipping and I will reimburse you. If you're just sending a Game Boy game or an SNES cartridge then I'll let you handle shipping charges.